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Hoagie Orders Due on 9/15

September 15 @ 8:00 AMSeptember 29 @ 5:00 PM

15” hoagies available for pickup immediately after church service on
Sunday, September 22nd

Sandwiches made fresh by church members using quality ingredients from DeCarlos Market, Elizabeth, PA

Any questions or concerns, please call Bonnie Kuk at 724-446-1821.

Orders with payment due by Sunday, September 15th

Please place cash or checks payable to Circleville Church with your order form in the offering plate. If you write a check, please write “Hoagies” in the memo line.


Phone Number:____________________________________________________

# of Italian @$10.00 each ___________________________________________

# of Turkey $10.00 each______________________________________________

Turkey sandwiches are smoked turkey and American cheese.

Total Enclosed_____________________________________________________


September 15 @ 8:00 AM
September 29 @ 5:00 PM