Our mission is to share Christ with the world through worship, service, and witness.
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When attending our worship service, we pray you will feel closer to Christ and that you feel supported by fellow believers in your faith walk. We follow a traditional service of hymns, statements of faith, and prayer (see our Prayer Group link). During worship, we celebrate our love for God and offer praise to Him.
We share communion the first Sunday of the month. Periodically, we have special music (see Ladies Ensemble for an example). Our sermons are based on the day’s scripture readings and are designed to help you understand how Biblical truths apply to your personal life in today’s world.
Our worship center has a toddler space where you can sit and worship with your toddler while your child is not confined to just a seat or pew. Children especially enjoy the children’s sermon during worship.
Sunday School

Our after-church Bible classes meet fifteen minutes after the worship service. The children/pre-teen class studies the Bible and works on crafts in a structured, but casual atmosphere.
The adult-teen discussion class is currently studying What the Bible is All About by Henrietta Mears. Each week, leaders distribute questions to the participants to prepare for the following week’s discussion. As participants present their answers, understanding of the Bible is deepened.
Children at Circleville Church are protected by our Safe Sanctuary Policy. This includes requiring all adults who work with children to pass both current child abuse and criminal record clearances.
Bible Study

We hold firm in our belief that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is valuable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16. Our Bible Studies provide us with the means for introspection, obedience, and guidance for living in accordance with God’s will.

Prayer Group
We Pray! Our solid prayer team ministry has been active for over 15 years! When a joy––we love joys and answered prayers––or a concern comes to us (usually through Worship service, emails, or phone requests), we as a team pray for that joy or concern for 3 weeks. Our intercessory prayer warriors (praying for others) meet Monday evenings at 6:30 at the church to pray together. Periodic prayer vigils are held for individuals or special circumstances.
Additionally, our prayer list includes several Make-A-Wish Kids (usually local) that we keep on the list beyond the 3 weeks, updating their concerns as we receive information. All details are confidential and shared only within our Prayer Group unless the requestor asks we provide details to others.
We are always looking for our Prayer Group to grow; so if you have a heart for others and for prayer, please let us know. If you want to test the waters, come on Monday at 6:30 and sit in. Keeping the God communication line working is a vital part of our church.
Weekly Congregational Prayers
Because we believe prayer changes things, we have a topic for all of us––the congregation––to pray, hopefully daily, for the entire week.
Please let me know of anything you feel we need to pray for as a total church. Any questions or suggestions, please see me.
Have you heard of the “ACTS prayer method”? The ACTS prayer model uses the acronym A.C.T.S. to help you remember four key topics we should have in our prayers. It closely outlines the Lord’s Prayer. This model should help you to cover these four key topics in this order.
A — Adoration. (Praise God for who He is)
C — Confession (repentance)
T — Thanksgiving (praise)
S — Supplication (needs)
Remember none of us knows how much time we have to share God’s love, so get out there and love on everyone. Tell people if they have touched you, let them know they are important. It will make your day and theirs.
John 3:16-18. 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
Community Involvement
Food Pantry

Our church family and the local community supports our food pantry project named Circleville’s Helping Hands Food Pantry. In 2021, we saw a need for those in the Norwin area who are struggling financially.
Our goal is to provide 24/7 access to the self-serve blue food box located on the church porch by the parking lot. The community has been very supportive with food donations. Donations of non-perishable food and non-food items are greatly appreciated.
If you would like to help others in our community who are in need, please leave any food donations (please be aware of expiration dates; and if possible, no items in glass containers) in the red wooden box located next to the blue food box. We do accept cash donations which we use to purchase items when we run short. Please make checks payable to Circleville Church and specifying “food pantry” in the memo line. Additionally, if you have a prayer concern or joy, there is another box in which to place prayer requests. Our Prayer Group will pray for all concerns for 3 weeks.
Clothing Bins
Mission Partners is a community organization that operates the clothing and shoe bins located in our parking lot. Please drop off unwanted clothing and shoes for those in need.
Thank you to all who support the food pantry and clothing donation bins, two of our local missions.
Head Start
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” Matthew 19:14. Our church is happy to supply a home for the Head Start pre-kindergarten program and Pre-K Counts program.
These free programs provide high quality pre-kindergarten learning experiences to help prepare children for kindergarten. The Head Start programs are designed to help those families experiencing financial difficulties. It is important to our church family to provide a safe and secure site for these children to learn and grow.
The Greensburg District’s Dartball League for men has been in existence since the 1950s. All men and now also women, aged 12 & up, meet up weekly at rotating churches on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. (September-April) for fellowship and fun playing a baseball-style form of darts.
Girl Scouts
Daisy Troop 70612 meets monthly on the last Thursday from 5:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous meets each Saturday evening from 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Family Ministries

Family Ministries is similar to Wesley’s Society––it is our way of connecting our church family to one another and to the community. Our various ministries such as covered dish summer picnic at a local park, Christmas dinner/party, and cookie exchange are ways we spend time in fellowship getting to know each other on a deeper level.
Ministries such as dinner/movie night, Strawberry Festival, Toys for Tots, and Samaritan’s Purse “Operation Christmas Child” shoebox collection help us get to know our neighbors in the community. And as with any family’s expenses, we need also to fund expenditures involving our ministries and physical church needs. We do this through fundraisers such as hoagie sales, soup sales, and craft shows.
On March 16, 2024 former Steelers player and current broadcaster, Craig Wolfley delivered his inspiring message on “Faith, Family & Football” This event was both a fundraiser and an evangelism event in our community.
As the saying goes “the family that laughs together stays together.” Our Family Ministries events are always filled with laughter and lots of fun.
Friends and Family
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!“, Psalm 133:1 (NKJV). We intentionally invite friends and family to worship with us during the second Sunday of each month. After worship, we gather for refreshments and fellowship providing a means to become better acquainted with one another. Our congregation wants to share Christ and to develop deeper relationships with both new and old friends, and family.
Cell Group and Band Meetings
Cell Group Meetings
Wesleyan-based Cell Group Meetings are 6-12 people who meet to grow in their faith by exploring scriptures and various Wesleyan questions, and to share their personal experiences––both trials and progressions. Those in Cell Group Meetings are not necessarily at the same level of spiritual growth. Wesley’s goal for these type of class meetings was that the heart would be laid bare in the midst of forgiving love, and existed in order that its members might enjoy salvation in its fullest sense.
Band Meetings
Wesleyan-based Band Meetings use James 5:16 as the basis for holding each other accountable to God, to oneself, and to others. These groups of 3-5 people meet weekly to grow together as God’s family. Group members discuss how they may have been tempted to stray from God’s teachings and then help to support each other in following God’s path for their lives.
Ladies Ensemble
Our Ladies Ensemble loves music and singing. We meet monthly and share our passion during worship. If you share this passion, we would love to add your voice for sharing the Good News of Jesus during worship.
Evangelism Training
Evangelism is a commandment from Christ as emphasized in Matthew 28:19-20, urging believers to actively reach out to those who are distant from God. To help fulfill this mission, we provide evangelism training courses aimed at making evangelism a way of life. Through these courses, we equip individuals to share the Good News of Christ by providing an opportunity for the lost to find eternal salvation.